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We are giving away five memberships to The Countdown Book Club over on InBubbleWrap. Jump over and drop your name in the hat.
A new offer goes up on Monday.
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You may have missed the news we buried inside the Kotter post from yesterday.
InBubbleWrap is back.
If you are new to us, we have a sister site that gives away free books.
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Our communication has been sporadic on the book project. Kate, our air traffic controller, is imploring us to get with it and start telling you what we have been up to. She's right and there is a lot that has happened.
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Customer Service Representative
We are looking for an individual to join our operations group as a customer service representative.
Your job will be to take care of our customers, managing their orders from the time they are taken until the time the shipment arrives. This will involve obtaining all the pertinent information for the order, placing the purchase order with our suppliers, and tracking the order during shipment.
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Our first Pecha Kucha Night was a great success! We had a ton of fun--check out the pictures--and were impressed with each of the presenters. I'm sure we'll share more thoughts this week, but for now we invite you to enjoy Pecha Kucha Night as we experienced it.
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