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Here's what people have been reading across the globe:
# 1 - Rich Dad's Increase Your Financial I. Q. - by Robert T.
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It's the time everyone's been waiting for! Which TOP 25 BOOKS from our Best Seller List in May are available on CD! !
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No matter how fun or creative your job is, there's always the office space issue to deal with. Cubicles, frustrating fax machines, a copier that seems to run out of toner only for you, fluorescent lights and the scent of old coffee grounds. One of the best ways to cope with these conditions is humor--and sometimes pranks.
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This week, we talk with Leander Kahney and his new book Inside Steve's Brain.
Kahney has been covering Apple as a journalist for over a decade. He started writing from MacWorld and now writes for Wired.
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We've just posted the 47th issue of ChangeThis. Rob Walker, from The New York Times Magazine, leads of the issue with a piece on the stories we tell about ourselves with our purchases and possessions, and who we're really telling them to. Russell Ackoff and Daniel Greenberg follow with a manifesto explaining how our current education system educates our children "for a world that no longer exists" and what we need to do to change it.
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