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In Jeffrey Krames October 2008 Portfolio book called Inside Drucker's Brain--based on an all day one-on-one visit with the Drucker shortly before he died--he asked Drucker about his books, among other things. Drucker told me what he felt were his most important books. The first one was no surprise, but one or two if the others were.
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We have posted Chapter 1 of The Granularity of Growth on the excerpts blog. Written by two partners from McKinsey along with the coauthor of The Alchemy of Growth, the book looks at business growth in a "fine-grained" way, zooming in on its different "granularity levels"--from the overall world economy, down through industries and sub-industries, all the way to the individual. Here's an excerpt of the excerpt: A company formulating its growth strategy needs to develop insights into trends, future growth rates, and market structures at much greater depth than the aggregate industry level.
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In the current issue of Inc. Magazine you'll find a short article on companies using children's books (or similar formats) to pitch their messages. PR Fairy Tales: Pitches Disguised as Children's Books Entrepreneurs have a habit of describing their companies in David-and-Goliath terms.
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I spent a lot of time this weekend relaxing with business magazines and came across quite a few good book recommendations and reviews. In the latest issue of Wired, Jeff Howe reviews Julia Keller's Mr Gatling's Terrible Marvel, while Jason Tanz reviews Buying In by Rob Walker. Speaking of Buying In, the June issue of Fast Company has an excerpt from the book itself.
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