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Today we're happy to host an essay by Dr. Anthony F. Smith, author of The Taboos of Leadership, a book that "reveals the rarely discussed realities of leadership--the secrets that leaders just cannot admit to publicly for fear of losing power, self-respect, or even their jobs.
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Ask 8cr! - Momentum Welcome to "Ask 8cr! " - a new section of our blog where we've created a forum to find out what kinds of issues and challenges people are having in the workplace.
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With 66 bookstores in airports all over North America, you may know Hudson Booksellers from your travels. They have now decided that it is time to help busy travelers select the books they sell, announcing their picks of the best books of 2007. It's a pretty long list, with selections in the fields of fiction, non-fiction, children's, and--aha!
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The Last Tycoons: The Secret History of Lazard Freres & Co. The Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Business Book Award was announced at a gala dinner last night at the British Library in London, and William D. Cohan took home the prize.
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The Education of the Accidental CEO>>The Wall Street Journal | Pitchman in the Corner Office Yum Brands Inc. chairman and chief executive David Novak isn't your typical corporate chieftain. Any doubts about that should have vanished when, in celebrating the company's initial public offering 10 years ago this month, he wore a yellow foam cheese he (tags: businessbooks business industry entrepreneurship) The Age of Turbulence >> The Economist | The Undertaker's story The book's first half is a memoir; the rest is essays on the main economic issues confronting governments over the next few decades [ link].
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