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The Best-Seller List is one of the most fascinating and confusing aspects of the book publishing industry. Almost every time we work with a business book author, a conversation comes up about what being on the list means, and how a book can "hit" it. Having a best-seller can really make an author's success and drive future sales of the book, and future sales of future books.
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It has begun.
In a matter of weeks, we will start seeing a stream of "best of" lists. We'll report them as we see them and make a few of our own.
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This month's issue of Wired had an activity that we, and business book authors and industry folks, got a kick out of. It was concocting a best selling book using Wired's "Patent-Pending Big Idea Book Generator. "
With this patent-pending Big Idea Book GeneratorTM, we provide the title, subtitle, and premise.
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Innovation Nation >> BusinessWeek | "America's Fleeting Edge in Innovation"
John Kao, an innovation consultant, points out in his new book, Innovation Nation: How America Is "Losing Its Innovation Edge, Why It Matters, and What We Can Do to Get It Back, all the key advantages once enjoyed by the U. S.
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Happy [belated] anniversary to Tom!
25 years ago, In Search of Excellence was published.
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