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The following is an excerpt from the book Recruit or Die: How Any Business Can Beat the Big Guys in the War for Young Talent by Chris Resto, Ian Ybarra, and Ramit Sethi. The authors share dozens of recruiting anecdotes that demonstrate the way successful recruiters make it happen, as well as show how not-so-successful recruiters blow it. Diversity Recruiting Diversity is one of the most difficult, and sometimes controversial, aspects of college recruiting.
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Business authors make prominent appearances in a number of magazines this month. Titled "Getting Things Done Guru David Allen and His Cult of Hyperefficiency", Wired Magazine profiles the author and Getting Things Done in the greatest detail I have seen in the major media. Allen has a huge following in the tech community which plays perfectly to Wired's core audience.
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Tomorrow's Bosses' Day. The level of enthusiasm for this Hallmark holiday varies from employee to employee -- I know folks who go so far as to buy their boss custom gift baskets to those who begrudgingly buy the boss a card from the corner store. Whatever your level of enthusiasm, the core of the day's mission is admirable -- that of showing appreciation.
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Welcome to "Ask 8cr! " - a new section of our blog where we've created a forum to find out what kinds of issues and challenges people are having in the workplace. We then take these issues and apply a business book we feel offers a viable solution.
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The following excerpt is the introduction to The Elephant and the Dragon: The Rise of India and China and What It Means for All of Us by Robyn Meredith. * * * * * In June 2003, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee of India boarded a plane bound for Beijing. It was to be an historic trip.
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