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Alan Greenspan is blogging at Amazon, but there is only one post in two weeks.
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Greenspan was a big fan of Atlas Shrugged -- a book some consider to be one of the most influential business books ever written.
Many have criticized the book for encouraging selfishness. Yet, Greenspan refuted it in a letter to the NYTimes in 1957:
'Atlas Shrugged' is a celebration of life and happiness.
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Greenspan got the plum spot in the 7:15 spot on the Today Show. There was a pre-recorded piece done with Maria Bartiromo and Matt Lauer did the live interview. The Q&A was awkward, but Greenspan mostly clarifying positions he took in the book ranging from the Iraq War being about oil (he says we needed to deal with Saddam or face $130/barrel) and his lack of opposition to Bush tax-cuts (he says he supported the action, but continually asked how it would be funded).
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Welcome to "Ask 8cr! " - a new section of our blog where we've created a forum to find out what kinds of issues and challenges people are having in the workplace. We then take these issues and apply a business book we feel offers a viable solution.
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The media doesn't know what an embargo is anymore. I can tell you that publishers are driven nuts when reporters start talking about a book before it comes out. With the book slated to come out Monday, Alan Greenspan's book The Age of Turbulence is the latest to fall victim to impatience.
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