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Doing What Matters>>The Wall Street Journal | The Man Who Sharpened Gillette "Doing What Matters" is informative about how Mr. Kilts brought all this about, but the prose, alas, is at times clunky and couched in executive-speak ("pushback," "strat plan," "walk the walk," "metrics").
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Jack and I have been working on a project for the last few months and we thought it was time to unveil it to the public. We are excited to announce that we are writing a book. The topic will not surprise you--the 100 business titles everyone should read.
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When the seasons change (and we're almost to that point here in Wisconsin), we start buzzing a little bit louder. The phones ring, the books move about the office, and we start asking each other questions like "When does that book pub? " and "Are we doing anything special with this new title?
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The following is an excerpt from Chapter 2 of The Age of Speed: A New Perspective for Thriving in a More-Faster-Now World by Vince Poscente, who unravels the notion that in today's world we need to slow down, and illustrates why harnessing the power of speed is the ultimate solution for those seeking less stress, less busyness, and more balance. Chapter 2: Want + Need + Access  Today we want speed, we need speed, and we can get it--all on a level never before experienced. Of course, the human race has pursued speed for ages, but what separates our modern quest for speed from previous generations'--what makes our experience a revolution--is the combination of our ancestral desire with two factors unique to our time: an unprecedented need for speed and a new ability to achieve it.
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