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If you were having problems getting around our site yesterday, we had a hardware failure. The disk drive that ran our site blew up. We have been working on migrating a new server over the last couple of weeks.
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A review copy of Karma Queens, Geek Gods & Innerpreneurs just arrived, accompanied by three types of sunscreen* to highlight three of the nine the consumer types identified in the book: "culturecrosser" (one sun, one world, one bottle), "e-litist" (care for your skin the way you care for the earth), and "parentocrat" (an umbrella of protection in every bottle). Ron Rentel and Joe Zellnik have identified 9 types that are shaping today's marketplace. The premise is that if you learn about the different consumer types and develop a "c-type" of your own consumer, "you'll not only gain insight into your brand and business, but you'll also become empathetic with your user in ways that can help make your decision-making process easier and more automatic.
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If you're an author, you'd probably enjoy these 10 questions with our favorite bald guy. To get you started, here's the first question: 1) With 172,000 books published in 2005 in the US alone, it seems like everyone is doing it now. Is a book still a good way to distinguish my ideas?
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