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China: Fragile Superpower>>The Wall Street Journal | Pursuing Power -- and Trying to Keep It Susan Shirk argues that China's Communist leaders are a lot more insecure than they let on.
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Way of the Turtle>>The Wall Street Journal | The Tortoise and the Harried Trader The book conveys the highs and lows that a trader goes through as he works through various systems. It shows, above all, how a trader must believe in his system even when it is going against him.
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From powerpoints to pie charts or bar graphs, depicting data doesn't always come easy. It often has to be boiled down to the main points. Take the NYC subway map, for example; Eddie Jabbour is attempting to redesin it to be more user friendly.
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According to the Mexican critic Gabriel Zaid, writing in So Many Books: Reading and Publishing in an Age of Abundance, the human race publishes a book every 30 seconds. If current trends continue, by 2052 the number of people writing and publishing a book in a given year will exceed the number of people who will read one. (Quote from Design Observer.
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