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Our crew of 13 has bi-weekly meetings where we take an hour or two of our day to talk about what's going on in our world. The goal being shared knowledge--which can only make us smarter.
In another effort to become smarter, last week we had the pleasure of being taught by Erika, author of Growing Great Employees.
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I was looking through my new issue of Paste Magazine. Paste covers the indie scene, writing mostly about music, but more recently expanding into movies and books.
It was an ad from music label Saddle Creek that made me chuckle:
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NOTE TO LISTENERS: We have been getting alot of comments about the low volume levels on the recordings. This is the first recording where we have cranked it up. Please let us know if it is better by sending at note to podcasts at 800ceoread .
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I watched the CNBC Business Excellence Awards the other night. I know some of you are going to say I need to find a hobby, but I would not have been able to bring you this little nugget.
Sallie Krawcheck of Citigroup was named Business Leader of The Future.
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Yesterday our team partipated in a Social Styles workshop, led by Erika Andersen, author of Growing Great Employees and founder of Proteus International.
By the end of the day we had mapped ourselves out across four social styles: Analytical, Driver, Expressive and Amiable. Now, understanding our social weaknesses and strengths, we have new ideas for how to interact with one another and develop a stronger workplace.
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