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Happy Valentine's Day! We thought about sending you a valentine or two but decided to give away our e-book, Nine Minds on Marketing [clicking this link will download the pdf]; you may recognize it from our Boss' Day sale. Compiled and written by the talented Andrea Learned; you'll discover the insights uncovered of the pickings of nine marketing minds.
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The latest ChangeThis manifestos are up. You'll find: One on ideas that stick by the Heath brothers who brought you Made to Stick. Another on corporate strategy by Christina Arena who you may know from The High-Purpose Company Learn to make it real and know your customers with Julien Smith and when you're done, you can stop by and say hello to him over here.
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There are a lot of different ways to improve public speaking. You could "buy Knockout Presentations, a book by speech coach Diane DiResta for $19. 95 [$15.
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In this passage from Boeing Versus Airbus, John Newhouse is elegant and efficient in his description of aircraft industry's product tiers, important equipment specifications, and overall history of the industry. I have been fascinated by the duel between these two companies and Newhouse tells me more in 700 words than I have read in countless articles. Airliners, like T-shirts, com in different sizes—small, medium, large, and extra-large.
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