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Ask the customer what she wants; certainly this tactic is not unheard of. Companies do this constantly with focus groups, usability testing, et cetera. The general idea is that through a series of tests, we can better identify what our customer wants, and by extension what our customer will buy.
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Our friends at Translator have invited us back to discuss our annual Business Book Award winners. They claim it's their most popular lab, and what can we say, people love to hear about the biggest and best ideas published in the world today, so we're happy to take part.
Join us Tuesday, January 22nd from 8:00-10:00am at Translator: 415 E Menomonee St.
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After our 100th issue in November, and spreading ideas and information in manifesto form each and every month for the past seven years, we took a (much needed) month off to reflect, refresh, and refocus. . .
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For the past few months, we've been remodeling KnowledgeBlocks, and we are thrilled to announce that the new site is now live!
What you'll see when you visit the new version of KnowledgeBlocks is a trimmer, more focused, and most importantly, free site. As always, our mission is to help you build your business knowledge.
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Last week, we released our picks for the Best Business Book of 2012 as well as the eight category winners. Following in the footsteps of the New York Times, if we may, who asked a few of their esteemed book reviewers to reveal a list of their favorite books of 2012 ("Favorite is not synonymous with best, so this process can be painful. Brutal honesty is required.
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