Letters to the Daughter I'll Never Have navigates the gut-wrenching territory of a couple's ultimate decision to opt out of parenthood. More and more women, and men, are choosing not to have children, but that choice is seldom a simple or easy one to make. In this book of letters to her imaginary daughter, Ashley Brown delves into the grief over what she'll be missing out on--feeling a mother's unconditional love; sharing stories and advice; and experiencing the fulfillment of creating a family with her husband of eight years, author and poet Nathan Brown. She also explains to her daughter the reasons for her decision and the fears and doubts about raising a child in today's world. She even acknowledges the relief of certain challenges she'll never have to face and sacrifices she won't have to make. Sometimes brutally candid, sometimes funny and heartwarming, Brown's letters take readers with her on the journey of arriving at this almost impossible decision all while celebrating love and family.
Publish date | August 30, 2018 |
Publisher | Mezcalita Press, LLC |
Format | Paperback |
Pages | 216 |
ISBN | 9780999478417
0999478419 |