"I wrote my memoirs as a way to free my little-girl(self) from her internal prison - breaking the silence she was
threatened to death with - finally giving her a voice; telling her story: freeing us from a lifetime of threatened, gagged; incarcerated words; secrets; feelings; experiences - held hostage against our will - together, retracing our steps; gathering; finding; piecing together, all the missing & otherwise bits; parts; pieces, along the way - discovering the fascinating correlation, of how when my-little-girl(self) grew up & passed her legacy onto me - my adulthood; my marriage; my divorce's harrowing aftermath (which tragically included the kidnapping; separation & alienation of my 3 children) - ended up mirroring our-childhood back at us - tracing a road map, all the way back to the original source of trauma; dysfunction; enslavement; incarceration; corruption - realising, I needed to diverge back to this place in order to understand; resolve; untie; extricate; release my-self, completely - reclaiming my-little-girl's purity & innocence; reuniting us with our-innate-authentic-self, before it was corrupted; distorted, tainted; tarnished - enabling me to transcend our programming; conditioning - empowering; liberating my-self - finally setting us free - enabling me to reset; reroute, my course - heading me in the right direction - following my heart; my truth; my light-ups - the heavenly; harmonious path, towards my bliss & unlimited potential..." - Love Ness xo
There's no doubt Ness is the Joan of Arc of our time - courageously lighting & leading the way out of the darkness for all of us - with her sword of truth raised high & firmly planted, as she relentlessly catches-out, exposes & seals the loopholes that have been a way for the darkest, most heinous entities to hide in & playout their horrific agenda & crimes against, not only herself & her 3 children (who continue to be estranged), but humanity & humanity's children (from the beginning of time)...
Publish date | September 16, 2019 |
Publisher | Independently Published |
Format | Paperback |
Pages | 368 |
ISBN | 9781693550089
1693550083 |