How to Write Stories that Sell: Your step-by-step guide to writing nonfiction & fiction stories that sell your ideas & deliver your dreams

How to Write Stories that Sell: Your step-by-step guide to writing nonfiction & fiction stories that sell your ideas & deliver your dreams

By Lynda McDaniel
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Are you looking for a sure-fire way to:
*Grab your readers' attention?
*Make your messages more memorable?
*Achieve extraordinary results?

How to Write Stories that Sell shows you how! It's filled with practical tips and tools to help you add engaging stories to your books, blogs, articles-whatever you want to write.

Why tell stories? They get results.

"Let me tell you a story." That's how the late Steve Jobs often started his presentations. He understood the power of story and used that promise to grab attention-even before he told the first story!

Our brains are wired for stories, and nothing engages readers more than anecdotes and examples, metaphors and case studies. By any name, stories are a writer's best friend.

Whether you're writing about growing a business, managing a department, improving customer service, or crafting engaging fiction, stories engage your readers. And stories are more memorable, so your readers will remember your message-and you.

The days of dry corporatespeak, legalese, and overly academic prose are over. "Just the facts ma'am" writing on pages of dense text won't grab the attention of today's busy readers. Most of us suffer from a chronic condition called TMI-too much information-which causes us to skip and skim. Stories deliver a much-needed antidote.

How to Write Stories that Sell shows you how to:
1. Hook your readers with stories
2. Activate memories and trigger emotions-where we buy and buy in
3. Choose stories that engage the head and the heart
4. Break stories into stages for greater impact
5. Create a story inventory

Scroll up, buy How to Write Stories that Sell today, and start writing like a pro!

The Write Faster Series also includes Words at Work and How Not to Sound Stupid When You Write.


Publish date January 28, 2020
Publisher Lynda McDaniel Books
Format Paperback
Pages 130
ISBN 9780997780895

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