In my book entitled "Marriage: A Loveseat for Two," I have identified why marriage was invented and how to optimize its function as a loveseat. I spend time looking at the four legs that keep the loveseat upright and balanced and share ways to correct any or all of the legs that may need adjustment. I do all of this by using God's instructional manual, the Bible, as my primary source of instruction. Who is this book for? It is for anyone hoping to get married and those already married. If your marriage is dysfunctional, it could be that you did not read the manual or followed the instructions correctly. Before you call the divorce lawyer, get this book, it may help turn your upside down loveseat right side up. The book covers issues like the balance of power in the marriage, emotional and physical leaving to become one, communicating one's needs, and insights on sex, its frequency and its effects on the marriage. One reviewer noted that the insights on sex are "especially enlightened." Life is too short for you to be stuck with an uncomfortable marriage/loveseat, get the book; it may help you figure out where you need the adjustments made.
Publish date | January 16, 2016 |
Publisher | Andrew C. Daubon |
Format | Paperback |
Pages | 102 |
ISBN | 9780692620502
0692620508 |