Blueprint for Revolution: How to Use Rice Pudding, Lego Men, and Other Nonviolent Techniques to Galv

Blueprint for Revolution: How to Use Rice Pudding, Lego Men, and Other Nonviolent Techniques to Galvanize Communities, Overthrow Dictators, or S

By Srdja Popovic and Matthew Miller

"Popovic outlines his philosophy for implementing peaceful world change and provides a model for activists everywhere through stories of his own experience toppling dictatorships (peacefully) and of smaller examples of social change. . . Through examples of using laughter and music (e. g. , Pussy Riot) to disarm the opposition and gather supporters, to staging a protest of LEGO men in Siberia (when flesh-and-blood people would have been shot), to a boycott of cottage cheese in Israel to challenge price inflation while organizing around rice pudding to overthrow the dictator of the Maldives, Popovic uses true and sometimes outrageously clever examples of the ways in which non-violent resistance has achieved its means" --.


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Book Information

Publisher: Random House
Publish Date: 02/03/2015
Pages: 304
ISBN-13: 9780812995305
ISBN-10: 0812995309
Language: English

Full Description

An urgent and accessible handbook for peaceful protesters, activists, and community organizers--anyone trying to defend their rights, hold their government accountable, or change the world Blueprint for Revolution will teach you how to
- make oppression backfire by playing your opponents' strongest card against them
- identify the "almighty pillars of power" in order to shift the balance of control
- dream big, but start small: learn how to pick battles you can win
- listen to what people actually care about in order to incorporate their needs into your revolutionary vision
- master the art of compromise to bring together even the most disparate groups
- recognize your allies and view your enemies as potential partners
- use humor to make yourself heard, defuse potentially violent situations, and "laugh your way to victory" Praise for Blueprint for Revolution "The title is no exaggeration. Otpor's methods . . . have been adopted by democracy movements around the world. The Egyptian opposition used them to topple Hosni Mubarak. In Lebanon, the Serbs helped the Cedar Revolution extricate the country from Syrian control. In Maldives, their methods were the key to overthrowing a dictator who had held power for thirty years. In many other countries, people have used what Canvas teaches to accomplish other political goals, such as fighting corruption or protecting the environment."--The New York Times "A clear, well-constructed, and easily applicable set of principles for any David facing any Goliath (sans slingshot, of course) . . . By the end of Blueprint, the idea that a punch is no match for a punch line feels like anything but a joke."--The Boston Globe "An entertaining primer on the theory and practice of peaceful protest."--The Guardian "With this wonderful book, Srdja Popovic is inspiring ordinary people facing injustice and oppression to use this tool kit to challenge their oppressors and create something much better. When I was growing up, we dreamed that young people could bring down those who misused their power and create a more just and democratic society. For Srdja Popovic, living in Belgrade in 1998, this same dream was potentially a much more dangerous idea. But with an extraordinarily courageous group of students that formed Otpor!, Srdja used imagination, invention, cunning, and lots of humor to create a movement that not only succeeded in toppling the brutal dictator Slobodan Milosevic but has become a blueprint for nonviolent revolution around the world. Srdja rules!"--Peter Gabriel "Blueprint for Revolution is not only a spirited guide to changing the world but a breakthrough in the annals of advice for those who seek justice and democracy. It asks (and not heavy-handedly): As long as you want to change the world, why not do it joyfully? It's not just funny. It's seriously funny. No joke."--Todd Gitlin, author of The Sixties and Occupy Nation

About the Author

Srdja Popovic is a Serbian political activist and executive director of the Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS). He was a leader of the student movement Otpor.

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