Africa's Information Revolution was recently announced as the 2016 prizewinner of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences - congratulations to the authors James T. Murphy and Padraig Carmody!
Africa's Information Revolution presents an in-depth examination of the development and economic geographies accompanying the rapid diffusion of new ICTs in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Represents the first book-length comparative case study ICT diffusion in Africa of its kind
- Confronts current information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D) discourse by providing a counter to largely optimistic mainstream perspectives on Africa's prospects for m- and e-development
- Features comparative research based on more than 200 interviews with firms from a manufacturing and service industry in Tanzania and South Africa
- Raises key insights regarding the structural challenges facing Africa even in the context of the continent's recent economic growth spurt
- Combines perspectives from economic and development geography and science and technology studies to demonstrate the power of integrated conceptual-theoretical frameworks
- Include maps, photos, diagrams and tables to highlight the concepts, field research settings, and key findings