The Document Methodology III makes a rock solid case for knowledge as the single most valuable asset of any organization. It proposes a systems engineering discipline with which to capture, quantify, categorize, store and utilize knowledge to enable diverse cultural groups, professions and individuals to work toward a common aim. This innovative approach adds a new dimension to understanding the way in which to achieve transitional change in healthcare and long term care services. The methodology takes management of transformational change in health care to another dimension, demonstrating the use of Collective Social Intelligence and the behavior of Complex Adaptive Systems toward capturing knowledge flow to value, enabling communities to evolve into living organisms full of life and health. Not just simply presenting concepts, the book gives us a full set of business plans, case studies, and conversations designed to illustrate how people, patients, families, professions, trades and communities with diverse philosophies and beliefs can work effectively together to manage the flow of knowledge to value with which to transform and build communities of care.