FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE "BEST NEW NONPROFIT BOOK"!-The Alliance forNonprofit Management This practical, comprehensive, and easy-to-use workbook provideskey tools to help managers of nonprofits ensure that theirorganization pursues its mission, meets the changing needs of thecommunity-and has enough money to make ends meet-while alsosatisfying the demands of funders, clientele, boards, staff, andbankers. Designed to equip nonprofit managers and other nonprofitworkers with the guidance they need to do their jobs and run theirorganizations more effectively and efficiently, this workbook isalso a hands-on tool to help implement the ideas in the author'shighly regarded Mission-Based Management. Filled with indispensablechecklists, worksheets, forms, displays, and hands-on suggestions, and including a companion CD-ROM, the Workbook will show you how tosmoothly and successfully:
* Hone your organization's core competencies
* Focus your resources
* Improve overall mission capability
* Get the most out of group discussions
* Utilize self-assessment tools ... and much more to help you and all involved help yourorganization achieve its mission
* Hone your organization's core competencies
* Focus your resources
* Improve overall mission capability
* Get the most out of group discussions
* Utilize self-assessment tools ... and much more to help you and all involved help yourorganization achieve its mission
Publish date | January 11, 2001 |
Publisher | Wiley |
Format | Paperback |
Pages | 176 |
ISBN | 9780471390145
0471390143 |