In the Great River of Mindfulness Practice today, there are many tributaries which flow in and out of the River: self-help for calmness and peace; curricula bringing health and wholeness to institutions of healthcare, addiction recovery, and incarceration rehabilitation; private practice of well-trained and certified mindfulness practitioners; schools and churches offering classes that make a difference in the lives of the participants for personal well-being, community justice, and ecological concern; solid research indicating which parts of the brain of mindfulness practitioners produce well-being and immunity from dis-ease of body, mind, and soul.
This book is one of the tributaries flowing in and out of the River with its unique contribution to mindfulness practice. It is to demonstrate how mindfulness practice, in producing all the above, is organically a healing agent of the creation process of all life. This it does in integrating the process thought of the renown twentieth century mathematician, philosopher, and metaphysician, Alfred North Whitehead, with the guidance of three prominent mindfulness practitioners, three articulate theologians, and a highly recognized sociologist of religion. The key phrase of this tributary is the lure of divine loving.
The author finds narrative poetry as the best medium of this tributary in luring the reader in joining him in a mindfulness practice that is the lure of divine loving-healing agent of the creative process of all life.