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Brenda F. Wensil is managing director at Bravanti. She was previously an executive leader for First Union (now Wells Fargo), and she established the first customer-focused strategy for the federal government as chief customer experience officer at the US Department of Education's Office of Federal Student Aid.
Chuck Martin is director of the Center for Media Research in New York, the CEO of NFI Research, an avid public speaker and the author of eight business books, including New York Times business bestseller The Digital Estate as well as Net Future , SMARTS and Work Your Strengths.
Roger Lowenstein has written numerous critically acclaimed books, including the New York Times bestsellers Buffett , When Genius Failed , and The End of Wall Street.
Matt Ridley is the author of books that have sold well over a million copies in 32 languages: THE RED QUEEN, THE ORIGINS OF VIRTUE, GENOME, NATURE VIA NURTURE, FRANCIS CRICK, THE RATIONAL OPTIMIST, THE EVOLUTION OF EVERYTHING, and HOW INNOVATION WORKS.
Jason Jennings has spent more than twenty years teaching businesspeople how to build great organizations. He gives more than sixty keynote speeches every year and is the author of two previous business bestsellers: Less Is More and It's Not the Big That Eat the Small, It's the Fast that Eat the Slow.
Gladeana McMahon is a leading personal development and executive coach. She is a Vice President and Fellow of the Association for Coaching and a Fellow of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy Stephen Palmer is Founder Director of the Centre for Coaching, London and Honorary President and Fellow of the Association for Coaching.
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