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By Porchlight
Here's just a taste of Seth Godin's latest book, small is the new big, a plentiful well of inspiration for your business and you.
August 04, 2006
By John Ehrenfeld
John Ehrenfeld proposes a radically different conversation about sustainability, one that moves away from mere problem solving, demands a new definition and envisions infinite possibilities.
This inclusive manifesto will introduce you to the principles and concepts of Web 2.0, so you can prepare your organization for this technological sea change.
By Charles Halton
What does it take to change the world? To change people? To make a difference, every day? Charles Halton presents 18 characteristics to help you create transformational experiences.
In this succinct and timely manifesto, Derek Powazek demands that web designers learn to write in order to optimize the user's experience.
September 06, 2006
By Chris Anderson
Chris Anderson, author of The Long Tail, chronicles the history of the blockbuster and explains why the traditional model of marketing and selling music no longer works.
This energizing manifesto tackles the increasing dissonance between the archaic goals of typical Not-for-Profits and the realities of business. Suddes challenges you to think differently about these "For Impact" organizations and, thusly, inspires you to change the world.
October 07, 2006
By Ori Brafman
Such seemingly dissimilar groups as the Apache Indians, music swapping programs, Wikipedia, Alcoholics Anonymous and Al Queda have one thing in common: they are all starfish. According to Brafman and Beckstrom, each of these resilient groups succeeds because they are absent any hierarchy (head) and conventional organizations (spiders) best watch their backs.
Here, June Casagrande (so not your ninth grade English teacher) will reassure you that it's okay not to care about grammar. Just what you wanted to hear! But with humor and enthusiasm, she will show you how grammar can be fun and worth a little bit of your time. So, uncover your eyes and learn her lesson. This won't hurt a bit
November 07, 2006
By Nikos Mourkogiannis
Just read the first page of this manifesto, and you'll understand exactly what it is to have purpose. Read the subsequent pages and you'll find just how to develop your own sense of purpose through discovery, excellence, altruism and heroism.
December 04, 2006
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