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By Porchlight
Here, June Casagrande (so not your ninth grade English teacher) will reassure you that it's okay not to care about grammar. Just what you wanted to hear! But with humor and enthusiasm, she will show you how grammar can be fun and worth a little bit of your time. So, uncover your eyes and learn her lesson. This won't hurt a bit
November 07, 2006
By Nikos Mourkogiannis
Just read the first page of this manifesto, and you'll understand exactly what it is to have purpose. Read the subsequent pages and you'll find just how to develop your own sense of purpose through discovery, excellence, altruism and heroism.
December 04, 2006
A special treat: 7 beautiful, easy-to-understand, and jaw-dropping graphics by the Princeton INA. See a whole new perspective on our world. Charts cover: - Global Arms Trade - Global Tobacco Trade - U.S. Gov't Red Tape - World Transportation - Declining World Water Supply - The Global Movie Business - Multinational Corporations
January 11, 2005
Don't let jerks with cell phones ruin your day. Print, cut out, problem solved. Welcome to the Society of HandHeld Hushing.
According to Warren Buffet, Bill Gates Sr., Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Paine, and Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, unlimited dynastic wealth is not only at odds with the spirit of the Founding Fathers, but anti-productivity.
January 25, 2005
"It doesn't matter if a law is goofy, or stupid, or downright vile. Once it's on the books, it is likely to stay there forever." Dave Hitt thinks that's ridiculous and argues that it's time we gave every new law a mandatory expiration date.
February 08, 2005
We can all use a little sunshine. Dan's caught a few rays and made them into a manifesto you can take with you wherever you go. He hopes it makes you smile.
February 24, 2005
By Tom Peters
In his latest Changethis manifesto, Tom Peters shares many conventional business wisdoms and tells you why they are all wrong.
July 01, 2005
Radio is under fire. Radio companies think it is about the technology. Fred Jacobs suggests they should start with the listeners.
By Scott Berkun
The problem with smart people is that they like to be right and sometimes will defend ideas to the death rather than admit they're wrong.
August 05, 2005
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