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By Steve M. Rigby
"'Careers can be difficult, particularly those that involve sales. I know. I've sold sawmill equipment and starved. I've sold automobiles and sucked. I've sold real estate and struggled. You noticing a pattern? Hey, at least I was consistent and persistent. Then, I tried selling new homes and succeeded—succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. So what changed? What was different? Why the turnaround? As corny as it may sound, I learned how to smile."
March 22, 2019
By Scott Jeffrey Miller
"Leadership isn't always rewarding. It can feel like a bottomless pit of problem solving and adult-sitting. Leadership is exhausting, repetitive, and requires a constant stretch of your emotional and intellectual skills. It demands an 'always on' mentality, as you're expected to have all the right answers and make all the right decisions, often on the fly. But it doesn't mean leadership isn't important; on the contrary, often the things we struggle with yield the biggest return. It's okay if you admit that leadership can be hard and unenjoyable, because the benefits of being successful at it can be life-changing."
June 12, 2019
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