The Porchlight Business Book Awards longlist is here!

About Joann O'Leary

Joann O'Leary, PhD, MPH, MS, has a background in nursing, pre-school special education, and 18 years in clinical practice as a Parent-Infant Specialist in a High-Risk perinatal center, where she worked individually with families and facilitated pregnancy after loss support groups for over 35 years. She is endorsed as a Level IV Infant Mental Health Specialist and has published a book, two book chapters, and two video productions on the Pregnancy that follows loss. She was a 2016 Fulbright Specialist at University College Cork, Ireland, is a consultant to Star Legacy Foundation, and a member of the International Stillbirth Alliance and Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death Alliance. Lynnda Parker, BS, BSN, has worked 25 years in high risk perinatal nursing center as a labor and birthing staff nurse and clinical nurse specialist. She co-founded the Pregnancy After Loss Support Groups with Dr O'Leary where they co-facilitated the groups. She also taught childbirth preparation classes specially designed for Pregnancy After Loss. She developed a pregnancy class "Bodyworks" for woman experiencing a complicated pregnancy. She currently is an adjunct instructor in nursing at Northwestern University, St. Paul, MN. Margaret Murphy, DN, MSc, is a Registered Midwife and Registered General Nurse with over 20 years clinical midwifery experience. Her research area is pregnancy after loss. She is a faculty member at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork, Ireland since 2007 and delivers bereavement education courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students. She is a member of the Pregnancy Loss Research Group, INFANT Research Centre, Cork. She is the Treasurer and Executive Board Member of International Stillbirth Alliance. Jane Warland, PhD, RM, is a registered midwife and Associate Professor in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of South Australia. Since suffering the unexplained full term stillbirth of her daughter Emma in 1993, she has been a passionate researcher into preventative and modifiable risk factors for stillbirth as well as a strong advocate for promoting public and maternity care provider awareness of stillbirth. Jane practiced as a nurse-midwife for 30 years before commencing work as an academic in 2008 and has more than 100 publications, including a book titled "Pregnancy after Loss" which she wrote and published with her husband Mike.

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