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How to Wow - A Free Teleseminar and an Excerpt

July 29, 2008


We've posted a new excerpt from How to Wow: Proven Strategies for Presenting Your ideas, Persuading Your Audience, and Perfecting Your Image by Frances Cole Jones. If you like what you see, you can join her for a free one-hour teleseminar tomorrow at 4pm EST/1pm PST. The seminar will touch on: Maximizing the Verbal *Incorporating the 12 most influential words in the English language *Avoiding the useless modifier/The importance of living language *Proven phrasing for increasing listener buy-in Maximizing the Vocal *Understanding/optimizing your tonal quality *Conveying authority: the power of the pause *Making numbers accessible Maximizing the Physical *Introducing yourself to maximize authority *Sitting to maximize others' trust *Playing to your team: optimizing the impression you leave behind Meeting Preparation/Presentation *Decoding unspoken agendas *Ally or observer?

We've posted a new excerpt from How to Wow: Proven Strategies for Presenting Your ideas, Persuading Your Audience, and Perfecting Your Image by Frances Cole Jones. If you like what you see, you can join her for a free one-hour teleseminar tomorrow at 4pm EST/1pm PST. The seminar will touch on:
Maximizing the Verbal *Incorporating the 12 most influential words in the English language *Avoiding the useless modifier/The importance of living language *Proven phrasing for increasing listener buy-in Maximizing the Vocal *Understanding/optimizing your tonal quality *Conveying authority: the power of the pause *Making numbers accessible Maximizing the Physical *Introducing yourself to maximize authority *Sitting to maximize others' trust *Playing to your team: optimizing the impression you leave behind Meeting Preparation/Presentation *Decoding unspoken agendas *Ally or observer? Quarterback or Closer? The importance of defining the team's roles *Preparing the answers to the worst 3 questions you'll be asked Questions and Answer Techniques *Rephrasing a question to maximize your advantage *Managing the unstated ?--listening for intent as well as content *Handling overtly hostile questions Making PowerPoint Powerful *Setting up the physical space to support your message *Incorporating the 10/20/30 Rule to structure your presentation *The power of the "Rule of 3" for information retention
If you're interested in the seminar, download the flyer for the event here. It will give you all the information you need to join in. Here is a direct link to the excerpt from the book:

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