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The Daily Drucker ** CONTEST ALERT **

February 09, 2009


CONTEST IS OVER! CONGRATS PAUL IN OREGON! Once in awhile it happens.


Once in awhile it happens... someone cancels an order for some books and we wind up with a very cool book that I just know would do better for someone than sit on my desk collecting dust. In this case, it's a copy of The Daily Drucker - - but how do I get it to someone that really wants it??

Well, I had a bit of a think and since it's February and all I am going to ask this simple question about the book - - -- The subtitle says: 366 Days of Insight and Motivation for Getting the Right Things Done. Now does this mean Drucker put in 29 'insights' in his February chapter to cover Leap Years or do you think he put an extra 'insight' at the end of the book as a *bonus*?

The first one to email me ( the right answer gets the copy of The Daily Drucker!

Good Luck!

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