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The LA Times' books blog, Jacket Copy, has an advance review of Michael Lewis's upcoming title, Panic: The Story of Modern Financial Insanity, due out in December. Discussing authors who would dare to offer up a book in the current, constantly changing economic climate, Nick Owchar writes:
I wouldn't want to be a financial writer with a book coming out later this year--every pre-plunge-written text about the U. S.
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Today, I'm offering a book and CD set of James M. McPherson's book entitled Tried by War: Abraham Lincoln as Commander in Chief.
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Another seemingly awesome read just came to my attention per a client that wanted these books for a meeting this month for her employees. It's called Green Collar Economy and boy does this sound like exactly what this country needs right now. It's by Van Jones and it's basically a wake-up call to our economy and the movers and shakers within its walls.
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I have a few more links for you all before I leave for the weekend. There are only two actual reviews among them, but it's the end of the day on a Friday afternoon, and I had to name this post something.
First up, BusinessWeek's Jessica Scanlon penned an interesting profile of the incomparable Seth Godin--maketing guru, friend of the company, and the man who just today taught me the difference between Stephen R.
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There are many different ways to read. For me, in college, it was a highlighter and ink notes on the side. Now it's post-its and drawings in the margin.
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