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Sometimes, we forget what books have been featured or talked about in the past few months. I came across some books that are worth a second look! One has been recommended by our Change This editor as a must read (Zenobia), another has been a Jack Covert Selects (Myself and Other More Important Matters), while the others I just felt the need to bring them back into the light and recognize them as invaluable resources for today's business environment.
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This cute, recently published, little book came to my attention the other day when a company called in to place an order for books to give to their staff. I was taken aback by the title and wondered what kind of a book this was, until that is I pulled it up on our website and found out that the subtitle was: 20 Humorous Tales that Get to the Heart of Great Customer Service. What to Say to a Porcupine is a book that contains twenty different tales all centering around customer service and it offers topics for group (or single) discussion at the end of each fable.
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In his wonderful review of Personal Days in last weeeknd's New York Times Sunday Book Review (free subscription), Mark Sarvas pondered the following: . . .
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Yesterday Dylan did a nice job of summing up the latest reviews and discussions about business books in business magazines. Sometimes it's hard for us to keep up with everything, so here's one from a few weeks ago. In the June 19 issue of BusinessWeek, writer Susan Berfield reviewed two books that "explore the question of whether brands control us, or vice versa": Buying In: The Secret Dialogue Between What We Buy and Who We Are by Rob Walker, and Obsessive Branding Disorder: The Illusion of Business and the Business of Illusion by Lucas Conley.
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