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Dave Balter seems to love proving people wrong. People thought he was crazy when he created one of the first word of mouth media companies, BzzAgent. But, through his work, he has proven that people are not only willing, but actually want to be involved in learning about brands and products, and helping spread the word about them, if engaged with and listened to.
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A company recently ordered a bunch of copies of a book called Superclass the other day and I had to look into getting them some copies. Boy, did it sound interesting once I did some research! So interesting in fact that I had to get a copy for myself.
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OK, I know this is getting quite a bit of media attention already, but I'm going to add to it here and now regardless. This past weekend, our sister company, Harry W. Schwartz Bookstores brought Barbara Walters in for a signing/interview session at Alverno College .
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The Economist regularly reviews history, business, and nonfiction books in its "Books and arts" section. This week, two reviews caught my eye. Here are brief excerpts from the reviews.
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Back of the Napkin author Dan Roam has made the rounds of cable television lately, appearing on Fox Business, CNN Money and MSNBC's Consultant's Corner. In both the CNN and FOX interviews, Dan breaks down Microsoft's bid for Yahoo on his whiteboard, and implements the same approach on MSNBC to explain how small businesses can be heard in the marketplace. If you're going to watch only one, I would suggest the one from FOX (I've placed it at the bottom of this post.
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