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David Bach--author of the popular Finish Rich series of personal finance books and the man who coined the term Latte Factor--has penned a new book entitled Go Green, Live Rich: 50 Simple Ways to Save the Earth and Get Rich Trying. It is a quick and interesting read, filled with a sense of purpose as well as easy steps that one can take to become a smarter consumer and live a greener lifestyle. There is a widely held view out there that greening your lifestyle is an expensive and painful process.
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Crucibles of Leadership: How to Learn from Experience to Become a Great Leader, by Robert J. Thomas, is out from Harvard Business School Press this month. Thomas's premise is that what matters most is what one makes of experience--particularly, the traumatic and often unplanned crucible events that challenge one's identity as a leader.
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BusinessWeek reviews Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism by Muhammad Yunus: Yunus won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for his work as founder and managing director of Grameen Bank, the pioneering microcredit organization in Bangladesh. He launched Grameen 31 years ago to help poor people start businesses. Since then the microcredit movement has gone global, with copycat organizations springing up in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
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The March issue of Condé Nast Portfolio includes a lengthy review of Biography of the Dollar: How the Mighty Buck Conquered the World and Why It's Under Siege by Craig Karmin, published by Crown Business. You can read the review at www. portfolio.
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The Wall Street Journals own Stephen Bates' review written about the book The Thing About Life is that One Day You'll be Dead : Coordination and strength peak at 19, IQ at around 20, bone mass at 30, Mr. Shields reports. On the down slope, the brain shrinks, the eyes go cloudy, the metabolic rate falls.
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