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For some reason, this morning I recalled something I read in Donna Cutting's The Celebrity Experience. In the beginning of the book she talked about assisted living and it struck a cord with me. One of my friends works in a place for senior citizens and they implemented some things that were brought up early on in The Celebrity Experience to make the residents feel more at home.
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To welcome voters to this year's biggest primary (a. k. a Super Tuesday), I came across a book that was just published by the University of Illinois Press entitled: Women for President: Media Bias in Eight Campaigns by Erika Falk.
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I just read a neat book that's coming out soon (Feb. 2008) about Thomas Edison. Now, for those of you who just know the man from the movies starring Rooney ( "Young Tom Edison") or Cagney (Edison the Man or "Edison 2.
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We've got a new excerpt up on the Excerpts blog. It's taken from Chapter 3 of Reaching the Goal: How Managers Improve a Services Business Using Goldratt's Theory of Constraints by John A. Ricketts.
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