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This brief excerpt reminded me quite a bit of the discussions we have here at 800-CEO-READ. (From Chapter 8 of Weird Ideas that Work by Robert I. Sutton) Find Some Happy People and Get Them to Fight (Weird Idea #5) If you want innovation, you need happy warriors, upbeat people who know the right way to fight.
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Last Friday we put a new excerpt up on the Excerpts Blog: the introduction to Why Johnny Can't Brand: Rediscovering the Lost Art of the Big Idea. You can read the entire introduction over there, but I wanted to share another interesting section I found while paging through the book: The Five Rules of One 1. The "One Item of 'Carry-On-'" Rule When seeking to differentiate your brand, no matter how much information you offer, when you've finished pitching: People only remember one thing.
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There's a new excerpt up on the Excerpts Blog. It's taken from the introduction to Fired Up or Burned Out: How to Reignite Your Team's Passion, Creativity, and Productivity by Michael Lee Stallard. The author presents three keys that can empower a leader to transform even a lethargic, disconnected organization into an impassioned, innovative, and thriving workplace.
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Since Kate, Todd and Jack are out of the office today, I am going to be sneaky and ask a non-business-book related question. What are you reading this summer? And what would you say when recommending it?
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There's a new excerpt up on the Excerpts blog. It is taken from Chapter 4 of The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies by Chet Holmes. "As we've already established, it's harder than ever to get in front of a potential buyer, so when you finally get your company in front of that buyer, you need to maximize what you can accomplish in that moment.
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