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I've had this advanced copy on my desk for a while, and finally had the chance to page through it this morning. I'm always interested in business books directed specifically toward women in business. Sometimes these "girl power" books only reinforce unhealthy attitudes among female professionals who grumble about their minority status in male-dominated fields, yet fail to take action that promotes change.
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It's interesting how many inquiries we receive regarding "CEO" books. Not from customers, but from the media. There seems to be a fascination with the stories of heroic or villainous business gurus.
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A few days ago we posted an excerpt from the book Ignited. Here's an excerpt from a February Financial Times article that reviewed Lynda Gratton's new book, Hot Spots: Why Some Teams, Workplaces, And Organizations Buzz With Energy - And Others Don't, another "hot" title this spring: But, if you are lucky, you may also spot the occasional flash of orange or red. These are "hot spots" - "a moment when people are working together in exceptionally creative and collaborative ways .
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We pay attention to what many people are writing about business books. Sometimes those articles and blog posts become the basis for a blog post here. Often, those reviews pass into the night—a missed opportunity to inform you of what we are seeing.
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