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Dov Seidman, who we mentioned earlier in the week, was the focus of Thomas Friedman's New York Times column today. You need to subscribe to the New York Times online to view the article (a trial version is available), so those who have a subscription or want to get one can access the column here: The Whole World is Watching Here's a brief excerpt: When everyone has a blog, a MySpace page or Facebook entry, everyone is a publisher. When everyone has a cellphone with a camera in it, everyone is a paparazzo.
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Stand Back, the Karma Queens, Geek Gods and Innerpreneurs are A'Comin' By Andrea Learned If you enjoy tapping your inner sociologist and anthropologist, the new book by Ron Rentel, Karma Queens, Geek Gods and Innerpreneurs, will be right up your alley. Within its pages, you will likely find bits and pieces of yourself, making it all the more fun (or scary) to read. Perhaps even more intriguing still, you'll also see many of your friends and colleagues in the nine "C-Types" Rentel explores.
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The new selection on our Excerpts blog is from the Preface of Be the Elephant: Build a Bigger, Better Business by Steve Kaplan. He helps readers understand the exact nature of their business by showing how to define objectives, identify risks, and get the operation on solid footing. Be the Elephant is the second book in a series aimed at helping solve the real issues faced by business owners, professionals, sales professionals, managers--anyone charged with growing any part of a business.
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Visit our Excerpts Blog to read an excerpt from The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Here are a few of the media hits Taleb has received: Wired Magazine The Wall Street Journal Financial Times And here's what we've written about it on our site: My Review of Portfolio's Book Reviews The Black Swan - Few and Far Between From the book: What we call here a Black Swan (and capitalize it) is an event with the following three attributes. First, it is an outlier, as it lies outside the realm of regular expectations, because nothing in the past can convincingly point to its possibility.
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There's a new excerpt up on the Excerpts Blog. It's taken from the introduction to Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming by Paul Hawken. This movement, however, doesn't fit the standard model.
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