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"When you 'lead positive,' you offer a compelling vision of the future by reframing problems into possibilities and appealing to a higher sense of purpose, a noble and mighty cause. When you think, speak, and act out of the positive side of the ledger, people feel more hopeful and confident about the future. And if you are able to articulate why your vision is so important to those you serve, people trust and respect who you are, not just your ideas. Then, when you take a stand that requires courage and sacrifice, you can rely on their support and determination as you walk together toward a new positive direction."
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"What if I told you that there a formula to living a heroic life? What if there was a basic framework, a roadmap that anybody could follow in order to become the hero of their own life story? In the 1940s, mythologist Joseph Campbell discovered that heroic myths from every culture on Earth are essentially the same story. He discovered a pattern in any story where an ordinary person accomplishes something heroic. Whether it was the Greek tales of Odysseus' return home from the Trojan war or the Nepalese stories of Gautama Buddha, who attained enlightenment and founded Buddhism, these stories follow the same set of steps that Campbell dubbed the 'Hero's Journey.'"
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"In perhaps his most influential civil rights era song, Bob Dylan asked senators and congressmen to 'please heed the call.' Of course, help from those in power makes it easier to address any major societal issue. But Dylan went on to warn these leaders: 'Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall.' His sage advice to allow other contributions is now as relevant as ever. We must prevent catastrophic climate change, our societal challenge akin to those Dylan was 'singing' about and King was meeting. We can do it, but only with new thinking, thinking that is currently shackled by the status-quo."
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"I've been watching the American economy for decades, and for the last few years I've put it under a magnifying glass. My conclusions are strongly positive: the United States is about to enter a period of prolonged economic growth, filled with opportunity. It's not the emerging market countries that will power the world into the next economic era. It's the United States. There are four forces that explain my optimism: America's astounding levels of creativity The renewal of manufacturing Vast reserves of energy Massive amounts of investible capital. Add to these four forces two additional facts. American consumers—the world's engine of growth for more than 50 years—have less debt, as a share of income, than at any time in the last 35 years, thanks to the cleansing effects of the recession (see chart below). And, Americans are savings are at record levels. To paraphrase George Costanza's declaration to Jerry Seinfeld, 'America's back, baby!'"
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