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"Over the past few decades, we've been trying harder and harder to be healthy and fit. The result: We got heavy and sick. What's going on here? When did healthy and fit start making us heavy and sick? And why is everyone calling us lazy gluttons? If an architect builds us a house and it crumbles, is that our fault? No. But we better find a good contractor who knows how to build something solid and safe. Similarly, if a doctor prescribes us a medication and it makes us worse, it is up to us to stop taking it and to find a new doctor. We have to apply the same logic to health and fitness. We've received so much contradictory, damaging advice over the years, often resulting in frustration and extra pounds. It's high time for us to make a better choice. But what other option do we have than the decades-old, calorie-counting approach?"
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"Whether you're an executive, entrepreneur, or a non-profit leader, your success is often dependent upon your ability to engage and enroll influencers to get on board with your ideas. When you create connections with recognized and well-respected influencers, you move from a "one-to-many" to a "many-to-many" model, empowering others to carry your ideas forward to their communities. What follows are 12 strategies to secure the support of influencers and empower them to amplify your message."
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"No one is looking out for your career anymore. You must find meaning, locate opportunities, sell yourself, and plan for failure, calamity, and unexpected disasters. You must develop a set of skills that makes you able to earn an income in as many ways as possible.") The new world of work requires a new lens and skill set to ensure career success. You must create your own body of work as you operate in different organizational systems and structures."
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"From the Cyprus bank fiasco and Edward Snowden's intelligence leaks to the European horsemeat scandals and chemical weapons attack in Syria, stories of distrust are overflowing from the news. These trust breaches are combining with trends of increasingly rapid change to leave the world in a volatile state. Worse yet, leaders are leaving our world vulnerable. According to the Interaction Associates, one of the biggest questions of the year is whether leadership is consistent, predictable, and transparent in decision and action. Leaders who once exhibited these trustworthy characteristics, such as Silvio Berlusconi, Lance Armstrong, Bo Xilai, Anthony Weiner, and Joe Paterno, have fallen in the last year. Edelman Public Relations is aptly calling 2013 the year of the "Crisis of Leadership," and we are feeling the consequences in 2014, just like we did after the AIG, Enron, and Lehman Brothers disasters. The trust crisis appears to be an inescapable cycle, but we at Horsager Leadership, Inc. believe there is hope."
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"In the wake of the great recession, in businesses and organizations around the world, we have a crisis on our hands. But it's not the crisis we all think it is and talk about. It's worse. ... We don't have an Employee Engagement crisis. We have a Leadership Engagement crisis. It should be no surprise that only 13% of employees are engaged when you discover that only 19% of managers and executives are engaged! Engaged Leaders are outnumbered 4 to 1 by those who are not. Bradford D. Smart (Topgrading) reports that the top Human Resources executives of the largest 100 companies in the world admit that only 20% of managers they hired turned out to be the high performers they expected. 'That's an 80% mis-hire rate!' Smart, says. And yet, these are the same leaders that we are expecting to raise levels of Employee Engagement in our organizations. Maybe the old saying is still true—people join organizations but they leave managers."
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