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"Yes, the net has changed business as profoundly as anything since central banking. But instead of seizing the opportunity, most businesses are still so addicted to the old way of doing things that they do the very opposite: they use the net to entrench themselves even further into the Industrial Age landscape that is fast disappearing."
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"I define real marketing as follows: treating customers and prospects the way we want to be treated, and earning the sale and the long term relationship through the value we provide.
Traditional marketing based on 'Spray and Pray' blasts of mail, email, phone calls, and so on, not only doesn't work, but is also obscenely wasteful."
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"This manifesto is about how to work with such an adversarial character, whether they are your boss, peer or team member. It is about how to use the specific behavior you need to use to help you manage the unclear boundaries, ambivalent motives and occasional duplicitous conduct that characterizes adversarial working relationships. By the end of the manifesto I hope you will have the insight and interpersonal know-how you need to handle these tricky co-workers more effectively and retain the degree of influence in your work with them that you would like to have."
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"The business world will never again be the same.
For more than twenty years, the growth formula for American business has been simple: increase revenues by expanding product offerings while reducing supply chain costs.
In other words, fill up the store shelves and keep the consumer's attention by constantly offering new variations on existing products, packaging and prices. Meanwhile, use the powerful new palette of Supply Chain Management tools to manage and drive down the cost of production to maintain constant productivity improvement.
As a strategy, this growth formula worked brilliantly for a generation . . .long enough for both business executives and academics to forget that this strategy was merely the appropriate response to a distinct economic era, not a fundamental law of business.
Now, we are being punished for that forgetfulness."
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"Radical management focuses the entire organization on the goal of constantly increasing the value of what the organization offers to its clients. Once a firm commits to this goal, traditional command-and-control bureaucracy ceases to be a viable organizational option. Instead the firm will, like Southwest Airlines or Starbucks, naturally gravitate towards some variation of self-organizing teams as the default management model for organizing work. That's because it is only through mobilizing the full energy and ingenuity of the workforce that the firm can generate the continuous value innovation needed to delight clients. Not surprisingly, those doing the work find more satisfaction as members of such productive teams."
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