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"Most organizations believe they are not working as well as they used to. They blame the rapid and unpredictable changes that are going on around them. But many of them have failed to grasp one fundamental truth: CHANGE IS THE NEW CONSTANT. To be successful in the 21st century requires an approach that change is here to stay, so one of the most critical components for success is now the ability to build a culture to adapt and thrive in change."
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"The desire for equality permeates everything we do and always has, as can be seen in many of our age-old philosophies. For example, we see it in the Golden Rule, which is often interpreted as 'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.' However, who really cares what you want? After all, treating people as you want to be treated doesn't address the needs and desires of others. Buying into these doctrines, myths, and lies leads to pasteurizing, homogenizing, and sanitizing everyone in order to fit people into one mold and think the same way so they can then gather together in like-minded harmony. There's a good reason why they call it a company culture, since organizations are, in actuality, mini-cults. Instead, we should consider living by the doctrine: The person you like the least may be the person you need the most."
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"I have found out how to simplify the confused and mucked-up world of communications so that your message can penetrate the maelstrom of modern media, whether you are a global corporation, a local politician, a college lecturer, a sales rep or a start-up. I have a magic bullet that will sharpen whatever story you have to tell so that it gets to the heart of the matter, cuts through mental barriers and lodges easily in the mind. As an advisor to companies, politicians and institutions of higher learning, I've been thinking about this problem for about twenty years, and have been figuring out the solution for the last two. I don't know how to de-complicate my cable bill, or untangle the knots in the U.S. Congress, but I do know about this. This is my small part to play in the crusade. So here's your answer."
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"In the weird, wild world outside the Petri dish, the correct decision is not always the right decision. There's disconnect between the robot logic of business intelligence and human intuition of right and wrong. Does this disconnect imply that humans use free will to promote the koombayah ideas of fairness, morality, and goodwill toward men and most charismatic megafauna? Or is the human brain simply a cold, rational, pre-programmed computer that happens to take into account more factors than a Game Theory model?"
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"If knowledge really were all it took to be a high performer, then all any of us would have to do would be to read that book or take that class and we'd all be winning championships. We'd all be incredible managers, great teachers, phenomenal parents and performance. But we're not. Why? Because the biggest obstacle in performance isn't not knowing what to do; it's not doing what we already know."
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