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"I believe in progress. I believe that our contribution to the progress of civilization is a good measure of how well we have used our lives. Humankind has had writing for about 13,000 years. Books got pretty cheap around 600 years ago when Gutenberg created movable type. The Internet has made access to good ideas almost free for billions of people. So why aren't the vast majority of us happy and healthy by now? Where is progress?"
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"...Measuring success by focusing only on the number of times the mainstream media write or broadcast about you misses the point. If a blogger is spreading your ideas, that's great. If ten people email a link to your information to their networks or post about you on their Facebook page, that's amazing. You're reaching people, which was the point of seeking media attention in the first place. But most PR people only measure traditional media like magazines, newspapers, radio, and TV, and this practice doesn't capture the value of sharing. To create a World Wide Rave, forget about sales leads and ignore mainstream media. Instead, focus on spreading your ideas. Make your information totally free, with no registration required."
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"If marketers continue to create campaigns based on thinking that 'men always do this' or 'women always do that,' they are going to fall into a gender trap. In this era of the much more diligent shopper, we just can't make assumptions about how gender influences consumer behavior. Those marketers that do risk irrelevance in a very demanding marketplace. Those marketers who avoid the gender trap and instead serve the highest consumer standard represented by 'women's ways' but serving everyone, will reap immeasurable and lasting brand love."
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"The lessons I present call attention to all the ways we can take control of our destiny, with special emphasis on becoming aware of our actions in situations that we commonly confront in our everyday lives. We face constant choices. Our decisions can move us forward towards our goals or shift us into reverse. So many of our negative choices and behaviors start in a mindless and almost automatic fashion. Each of the stories I tell gives you a strategy for taking positive action and eliminating the harmful patterns we commonly fall into that are preventable if we're tuned in."
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In November of last year, we sent out a survey to gauge the mood of ChangeThis readers and see if you could help provide some solutions and encouragement for ourselves and eachother. After many months of immense change, both in the country as a whole and within our small company, we have finally finished sifting through those responses. We made the following three inquiries: "In one word, sum up how you feel right now;"How is this affecting you?" and; "What are you choosing to do about it?" The 1400 replies we received to this survey are further proof, beyond the intuitive, that work is life and that the personal is the professional. Some people used creative metaphors to express their situations. Others used humor. Some enumerated their action plan. Some ranted. Some marveled. Some refused to accept a doom and gloom outlook and endeavored to see the possibilities that come with change. There are some trends, of course, and there were ample frustrations—with capitalism and ageism, with excess and politics. The cover of this manifesto is a word cloud of the most common responses to that first inquiry, "How do you feel right now?" and each paragraph hereafter is a different individual's response. So, read on, dear readers, read on... to commiserate, to raise your spirits, to hope, to cry, to worry some more and unburden yourself. Read on. Theses are your answers.
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