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"It doesn't matter if a law is goofy, or stupid, or downright vile. Once it's on the books, it is likely to stay there forever." Dave Hitt thinks that's ridiculous and argues that it's time we gave every new law a mandatory expiration date.
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According to Barry, choice is a good thing. Until there's too much of it, that is. By overloading us with options, in education, sex, religion, or clothing, more choices not only make us less satisfied, they debilitate us. Read an excerpt from his powerful new book.
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After spending nine years at Microsoft managing some of the smartest people in the world, Scott has a few tips to share on the art of managing the best.
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The authors of the tremendously popular trend-spotting blog PSFK write about the three most important truths about.. Truth! (And exactly why it means everything to your Brand.)
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The environmental movement's foundational concepts, its method for framing legislative proposals, and its very institutions are exhausted. As global warming looms on the horizon, the authors of The Death of Environmentalism argue that in order to move forward, environmentalists must take a step back.
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