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Americans make the best software and films, and the Japanese the best cars and consumer electronics. There's a reason for this, and it goes far deeper than cultural differences or the quality of autoworkers, it has to do with who's in charge.
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Politics and science needn't be like oil and water. The authors of See-Through Science argue that greater public engagement early in the scientific process improve social outcomes.
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You're too late! Most home consumers have all the software they will ever need, and most companies out there already have all the basic technologies they need to successfully compete. What's a software developer to do? Read the Six Laws of the New Software to find out.
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According to Warren Buffet, Bill Gates Sr., Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Paine, and Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, unlimited dynastic wealth is not only at odds with the spirit of the Founding Fathers, but anti-productivity.
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You've read the Cluetrain, now HUGH MACLEOD brings you The Hughtrain. A manifesto on brands, blogs, and the now of advertising and marketing. Written and illustrated by one of our most popular authors ever.
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