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"The very existence of the FCC is a flagrant violation of the right to free speech.". After the infamous "wardrobe malfunction" at the Superbowl, Robert Garamong says, things have gone from bad to worse. Before we give the FCC even more power to censor the airwaves, we ought consider whether the government should have such authority at all!
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This manifesto is based on The Bootstrapper’s Bible, a book I wrote a few years ago. What I’ve done is divided it into short sections, so you can find the little kernel of insight you need, when you need it. (I hope!)
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America has forgotten how to make cities. With traffic-planning and single-use zoning the beloved neighborhood has been made illegal in most U.S. cities. David Greusel believes it's time for a change back to the way things used to be.
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In 6 years, the world's population will hit 7 billion. Despite the worries, however, there is no evidence of an overpopulation problem, not even close. Read Dean's manifesto for the facts.
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Starting a new company? Joel Spolsky, founder of Fog Creek Software and creator of "Joel on Software," says there's one important decision that you absolutely must make before you begin. It goes to the core of the difference between Ben and Jerry's and, and he explains it all in this manifesto.
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