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For every Spider-Man 2, there are a dozen Catwomen. For every Alien, a dozen Alien vs. Predators. Hollywood knows how to produce, write, and direct great films; it's just that they so rarely bother to make the effort. Between the niche Indie and the brainless blandbuster are the great movies that thrill our senses and move our hearts. Better movies CAN make more money if we prove we want them. Hollywood, DON'T insult our intelligence, DON'T waste our time, DON'T sell us your snake oil any more. Raise the bar NOW!
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Best-selling author P.J. O'ROURKE has a message for you: "I don't know what's good for you. You don't know what's good for me. We don't know what's good for mankind." Read his manifesto to find out why he says government should be against the law.
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Editor-in-Chief of Wired, CHRIS ANDERSON says that the future belongs to those that serve the millions of untapped niche markets as well as they serve the masses. Read his manifesto to find out how unlimited shelf space and personalization can revolutionize your business.
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Overwhelmed by email? Tired of non-sensical barely-English missives from coworkers? Wondering how an entire day can go by without any work getting done at all? OLE EICHHORN has a few simple suggestions.
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