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"Ineffective leadership caps the ability of an organization to grow. Leadership that works at one level of scale is likely to run into serious limitations at the next level. The men and women who may be well-suited to lead a 100-person business unit with $30 million in annual revenues may be unable to lead a 250-person business unit with $100 million in annual revenues.

To scale the organization, you must scale ever more effective leadership."
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"The role of board member compels one to be diligent as a fiduciary. What is often not well understood is that while the role of fiduciary is necessary, it is not entirely sufficient. Board members also need to be champions of, and networkers for, the organizations they serve. And, particularly in a world where change is accelerating and disruption is becoming the norm, board members also need to step up and challenge the organizations they care so much about—and the same goes for CEOs."
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"This is the fork in the road. Here, those who advocate external feedback as the solution to life’s problems take one path, based on the belief that people cannot develop the awareness needed for change. Those who have seen the unlimited potential of a developmental approach based on a holistic, living-systems view take another. This road is of a higher order, in that it is based on a belief that people have the capacity to be self-managing once they have learned to be self-observing and self-reflecting. But they need development to do so."
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"As an entrepreneur, you need to know that your business isn't an entity. It's an experience. It's unfolding at every moment. Every moment is vital. Critical. The only way to handle the chaos and the crazy beauty of it all is this: know that growing your business is actually about growing yourself. It's about staying sane, centered, and focused. [...] All you have is this moment, this experience. Make it an interesting one. Make it fun. Make it worth sharing. When you let love in to everything you do, everything you do seems to be created with a little more magic. When you let love in to your work, your work is better."
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"It wasn't too long ago that having a business coach was like having a scarlet letter on your professional suit. Back then, most coaching was remedial—there was a problem that needed to be fixed. Today, having a coach has been elevated in status. Business leaders have realized what professional athletes have always known—having a coach produces better results. That's a significant and necessary paradigm shift. Instead of symbolizing a problem, having a coach symbolizes a leader's willingness to develop and grow as a person and a leader."
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