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"Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is either possible or it isn't. The chasm that divides the two viewpoints couldn't be wider because it has to do with our core beliefs about the nature of reality, the identity of the self, and the essence of being human. There is no real way to bridge the gap on the question of AGI between those with different views on these questions.
But we can at least understand why the views are so different."
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"Although the business press is filled with exploits of VC-funded ventures, the reality is that 94 percent of billion-dollar entrepreneurs took off without VC, and only about one in 10,000 entrepreneurs truly benefits from VC. Silicon Valley venture capital is like a very successful lottery. Yes, there is flash and dazzle and a few billionaires are created. But it is hit-or-miss, mostly miss. You would not recommend a career of buying lottery tickets to your children or pick it for yourself. Learn skills. Use smart strategies. You may succeed whether you win the VC lottery or don't
For entrepreneurs who want to reduce the role of luck in their success and improve their odds, here are six reasons why you don't need VC to build a billion-dollar business."
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"Working against institutional bias involves more than just increasing simple numbers. It includes the hard and often vulnerable work of making room at the table, on the board, and in the c-suite for those who have not historically been represented. It requires undoing our cultural assumptions about what bias is and how it works, and then giving ourselves over to the introspective and collective work of erasing institutional bias. It's about doing this all in our everyday workspaces."
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"Researchers find that people who are resilient tend to be more positive and optimistic compared to those who are less-resilient. They are better able to regulate their emotions. And they are able to maintain their optimism through the most challenging situations.Resilience, a positive outlook, and optimism are connected. So, is having a positive outlook something you are born with, or can it be developed?Good news. A positive outlook can be cultivated with mindfulness. You can learn to choose your mindset and to shift how you relate to your experience, so that you have less stress and more joy. Mindfulness is a capacity that allows you to deliberately direct your attention towards the positive instead of being tossed around by random thoughts and turbulent emotions. What we see in stories of positive outlook and resilience is that the protagonists learn to 'choose their story'—they develop the skill of directing their attention to the positive and making meaning of what happens by filtering through a positive lens."
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"For most of us in sales, winning new business often means taking that business away from a competitor. The euphemism we use to describe stealing a client from a competitor is called 'a competitive displacement,' which sounds a lot nicer than 'eating their lunch.' However, if this sounds harsh, know that while you are trying to take clients from your competitors, they are trying to steal your clients from you.
Like other forms of competition, selling requires a sense of fairness, a set of ethics, ground rules, if you will. Certain behaviors are off limits, like lying about your competitor, talking bad about them, providing kickbacks, or misleading people into believing something that isn't true as it pertains to about how you can better serve them. These dirty tricks are off limits, and they aren't how you gain a real advantage.
That said, there are ways you can create an unfair advantage and position yourself to win new clients that are presently being served by your competition."
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