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"Did you know that there are roughly 27.9 million business owners and entrepreneurs in the United States who work in their business every day but are unhappy, stressed, and not thriving?
I should know, I was one of them."
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I should know, I was one of them."
"Given increasing globalization and technological disruption, it is becoming harder than ever for companies to sustain growth. ... These harsh realities point to two burning questions of relevance to all senior executives:
Why is it so hard for companies to sustain above-market business performance?
What can companies do to beat the odds and crack the code to securing the holy grail of business: long-term profitable growth?
The answers are rooted in the challenge of mastering three key leadership skills essential to drive long-term business growth: customer centricity, continuous experimentation, and ruthless patience. Fortunately, executives can realistically aspire to become growth superstars, even if wistfully accepting the elusiveness of Hall of Fame acclaim in other endeavors."
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Why is it so hard for companies to sustain above-market business performance?
What can companies do to beat the odds and crack the code to securing the holy grail of business: long-term profitable growth?
The answers are rooted in the challenge of mastering three key leadership skills essential to drive long-term business growth: customer centricity, continuous experimentation, and ruthless patience. Fortunately, executives can realistically aspire to become growth superstars, even if wistfully accepting the elusiveness of Hall of Fame acclaim in other endeavors."
"Right now in the U.S., a lack of trust is costing organizations billions of dollars each year. Regardless of size or industry, trust is a factor whose presence can lead to huge rewards but whose absence can mean devastating losses. This is the case both internally with employees and externally with customers because trust doesn't stay within the confines of one area of life or business.
When corporate and business leaders understand and act on the importance of trust, how it is measured, and how it is built, they will reap tremendous benefits throughout their organizations. From bottom-line profits to employee retention, the business case is clear for this study, understanding, and building of trust. [...] Increased trust leads to better organizations and more trusted industries."
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"What are the secrets to growing my business and increasing my revenues strategically?" is one of the most common questions that I'm asked most often by start-up and emerging entrepreneurs. The key here is strategically. There are thousands, perhaps millions, of possible ways to build your business and increase your sales."
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"I'd been reading about a Tibetan Buddhist mind training technique called Lojong, or slogan practice, a set of fifty-nine one line aphorisms you recite as mental antidotes to undesired mental habits. Hmm, I thought, I wonder if his kind of practice could be useful for my clients. But I found the slogans so obscure that I didn't think they could be applied, so I abandoned the idea.
Apparently the concept was still rolling around in my head when one day I was working with a bust executive who was trying to learn how to get great performance from his employees without micromanaging. I was yammering on and he looked at me and said. 'I'm busy. I need it boiled down to something simple I can remember.'
Without thinking, I replied, 'I'm going to give you a slogan. Every time you talk to an employee, say to yourself: Give what and why, not how. And so he did"
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