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What Would Google Do? by Jeff Jarvis, Collins Business, HarperBusiness, 272 pages, $26. 99, Hardcover, February 2009, ISBN 9780061709715 When Jeff Jarvis, founder of the well-followed blog BuzzMachine, had a problem with the customer service provided by Dell, he sparked what would become an Internet firestorm of criticism that engulfed Dell in a customer service (and public relations) nightmare.
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Rebound: A Proven Plan for Starting Over After Job Loss by Martha I. Finney, FT Press, 208 pages, $16. 99, Paperback, February 2009, ISBN 9780137021147 The current economic climate carries with it certain unpleasant realities that we are now all too well aware of.
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Wired to Care: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy by Dev Patnaik with Peter Mortensen, FT Press, 251 pages, $24. 99, Hardcover, January 2009, ISBN 9780137142347 It is a challenging time in business, no doubt. So what can companies do now to create change and be ready to take advantage of the coming (hopefully) economic recovery?
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It's here! Our comprehensive look back at the year in business books, a publication we call In the Books: Most Notable Business Books 2008. Here is what you'll find inside: Introduction The Information Age Jack's Year in Review Todd's Year in Review An Insider's Perspective The 100 Best Business Books of All Time Introduction A Chronology of Business Books 100 Best Connections 100 Books.
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